Energy Modeling for LEED v4 Using HAP 3D
SSN-V 005
This class is for consulting engineers and other HVAC professionals performing energy modeling using HAP software for LEED® analysis
- Using advanced simulation techniques to calculate the Performance Rating Method.
- Training covers in-depth, hands-on application of baseline and proposed building energy analysis
- Develop creative HVAC system alternatives for more LEED® energy points, including the new LEED® version 4 tables and requirements.
duration | cost | format |
1 day | $400 | classroom |

This intense one-day class focuses on the LEED® Energy and Atmosphere Credit to Optimize Energy Performance. Advanced simulation techniques are applied to the Performance Rating Method for whole building energy simulation per ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1 requirements. Training covers in-depth, hands-on application of baseline and proposed building energy analysis and includes development of creative HVAC system alternatives for more LEED-Energy points including the new LEED V4 tables and requirements. Students who complete this course have the ability to run simulation software for analyzing baseline versus proposed building models for LEED Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Optimize Energy Performance.
Who should attend this training
This course is for HVAC designers who use load calculation software to calculate heating and cooling loads in commercial buildings. A working knowledge of building design and computer skills is required.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this course each student should be able to:
- Create the prescribed baseline building meeting all ASHRAE mandatory requirements
- Define and enter baseline building prescribed HVAC systems and min. efficiencies
- Create additional rotated baseline buildings for determining average energy use and cost
- Generate and interpret LEED report to determine EAc1 points
- Determine alternate design approaches to maximize LEED points
Training Methods Used
This course uses a combination of classroom lecture, videos, and demonstrations and workshops to present the material. Student’s achievement of the learning objectives is determined by successful completion of the workshops, and final written exam. Workshops are instructor guided exercises using the procedures taught in the lectures.
Topics Covered
All times are approximate and shown as (classroom minutes/workshop minutes).
- Energy and Atmosphere Credit Review (EAc1) (20/0) (Methods of Compliance: Whole Building / Advanced Energy Design Guide / Advanced Benchmarking Tool)
- Scope of LEED® EA. c1 (20/0) (Energy Modeling, Load vs. Energy Programs, Cost vs. Energy Use / Integrated Design Process, Energy Rate Information / ASHRAE 62.1 requirements, Impacts on EQ credits / Other LEED® Products)
- Hands-on Workshops for Proposed Building (10/10) (Defining the Proposed Building using HAP Building Wizard / Creating Wizard Spaces in HAP / Discuss alternate methods for creating spaces)
- Weather Data Entry into HAP per LEED® Requirements (10/10) (Design / Simulation)
- Create Library items for Proposed Building (P) (10/10) (Schedules, Walls, Roofs, Windows, Doors, Shading)
- Configure Required Space Properties for Proposed Building (10/10) (Space Lighting, People, Process Loads, Building Envelope)
- Configure Air Systems for Proposed Building (10/10) (Sizing Data, Fan Requirements, System Components, Thermal Zones)
- Calculate Loads, Select Air Systems and Equipment for Proposed Building (10/10) (Fan BHP Per Appendix G requirements)
- Configure and Size Equipment and Plants for Proposed Building (10/10) (Chiller, Tower, Boiler)
- Simulate the Proposed Building (10/10) (Discuss Miscellaneous Energy Items / Define Process Loads / Import Utility Rates)
- Create Baseline Building (10/10)
- Differences between Proposed and Baseline Building Spaces (10/10) (Lighting, Schedules, Walls, Windows, Doors, Shading, and Roof / Air Systems)
- Calculate Baseline Air System Loads per Appendix G (10/10) (Calculate Cooling Loads per Appendix G / Calculate EER/SEER per Appendix G / Analyze Air System Unmet Load Hours)
- Configure Baseline Building Boiler Plant (10/10) (Calculate Heating Loads per Appendix G / Analyze Plant Unmet Load Hours)
- Configure Baseline Building Inputs (10/10) (Assign Plants, Air Systems, Miscellaneous Energy and Utility Rates / Simulate Baseline Building)
- Duplicate and Rotate Baseline Building [B090°, B180°, B270°) per Appendix G (10/10) (Discuss Rotation Requirements / Simulate and Review Baseline Building Rotations / LEED® Performance Rating Method Compliance Report Requirements / Review LEED® 2009 Reports Determine EA Cr-1 Points)
- Maximize EA Cr-1 Points for the Proposed Building (10/10) (Lets Get Creative! Brainstorming charette / Team Solutions Modify Proposed Model)
- Review Daylighting Analysis (10/10) (Evaluate Daylighting / Reduce Lighting Power Density / Evaluate impact on LEED® EA Cr1 and IAQ Cr 8.1)
- Exam (0/15)
Completion requirements
To receive a certificate for this course student must be present for the entire course, complete all workshops and receive a grade of 70% on graded final.
Prerequisite requirements
Suggested background
For HVAC designers with a working knowledge of commercial air conditioning and heating systems, including lab time with service test equipment and tools. Use of load estimating software is also desirable.
Materials to bring
- Students are required to bring their own laptop computer to class. Contact Software Systems at [email protected] if you will be attending training but DO NOT have a laptop.
- Please ensure that you have the most recent version of HAP software installed on your laptop. Click on Software Downloads Page for specific details.
- If you are not currently a HAP user and plan to bring your own laptop computer, request an electronic 90-day HAP demo. Click on this link: Carrier eDesign Trial Request.
What you will receive
Students in this course receive a course workbook.
Appropriate dress for this class
This class is held in a class and business casual dress is appropriate.
Class hours
Class runs from 8:30 AM till 5 PM. Travel arrangements should be made accordingly.
Location & lodging
Most of these classes are held in the local area, see the event flyer or Carrier host for more information.
This intense one-day class focuses on the LEED® Energy and Atmosphere Credit to Optimize Energy Performance. Advanced simulation techniques are applied to the Performance Rating Method for whole building energy simulation per ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1 requirements. Training covers in-depth, hands-on application of baseline and proposed building energy analysis and includes development of creative HVAC system alternatives for more LEED-Energy points including the new LEED V4 tables and requirements. Students who complete this course have the ability to run simulation software for analyzing baseline versus proposed building models for LEED Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Optimize Energy Performance.
Who should attend this training
This course is for HVAC designers who use load calculation software to calculate heating and cooling loads in commercial buildings. A working knowledge of building design and computer skills is required.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this course each student should be able to:
- Create the prescribed baseline building meeting all ASHRAE mandatory requirements
- Define and enter baseline building prescribed HVAC systems and min. efficiencies
- Create additional rotated baseline buildings for determining average energy use and cost
- Generate and interpret LEED report to determine EAc1 points
- Determine alternate design approaches to maximize LEED points
Training Methods Used
This course uses a combination of classroom lecture, videos, and demonstrations and workshops to present the material. Student’s achievement of the learning objectives is determined by successful completion of the workshops, and final written exam. Workshops are instructor guided exercises using the procedures taught in the lectures.
Topics Covered
All times are approximate and shown as (classroom minutes/workshop minutes).
- Energy and Atmosphere Credit Review (EAc1) (20/0) (Methods of Compliance: Whole Building / Advanced Energy Design Guide / Advanced Benchmarking Tool)
- Scope of LEED® EA. c1 (20/0) (Energy Modeling, Load vs. Energy Programs, Cost vs. Energy Use / Integrated Design Process, Energy Rate Information / ASHRAE 62.1 requirements, Impacts on EQ credits / Other LEED® Products)
- Hands-on Workshops for Proposed Building (10/10) (Defining the Proposed Building using HAP Building Wizard / Creating Wizard Spaces in HAP / Discuss alternate methods for creating spaces)
- Weather Data Entry into HAP per LEED® Requirements (10/10) (Design / Simulation)
- Create Library items for Proposed Building (P) (10/10) (Schedules, Walls, Roofs, Windows, Doors, Shading)
- Configure Required Space Properties for Proposed Building (10/10) (Space Lighting, People, Process Loads, Building Envelope)
- Configure Air Systems for Proposed Building (10/10) (Sizing Data, Fan Requirements, System Components, Thermal Zones)
- Calculate Loads, Select Air Systems and Equipment for Proposed Building (10/10) (Fan BHP Per Appendix G requirements)
- Configure and Size Equipment and Plants for Proposed Building (10/10) (Chiller, Tower, Boiler)
- Simulate the Proposed Building (10/10) (Discuss Miscellaneous Energy Items / Define Process Loads / Import Utility Rates)
- Create Baseline Building (10/10)
- Differences between Proposed and Baseline Building Spaces (10/10) (Lighting, Schedules, Walls, Windows, Doors, Shading, and Roof / Air Systems)
- Calculate Baseline Air System Loads per Appendix G (10/10) (Calculate Cooling Loads per Appendix G / Calculate EER/SEER per Appendix G / Analyze Air System Unmet Load Hours)
- Configure Baseline Building Boiler Plant (10/10) (Calculate Heating Loads per Appendix G / Analyze Plant Unmet Load Hours)
- Configure Baseline Building Inputs (10/10) (Assign Plants, Air Systems, Miscellaneous Energy and Utility Rates / Simulate Baseline Building)
- Duplicate and Rotate Baseline Building [B090°, B180°, B270°) per Appendix G (10/10) (Discuss Rotation Requirements / Simulate and Review Baseline Building Rotations / LEED® Performance Rating Method Compliance Report Requirements / Review LEED® 2009 Reports Determine EA Cr-1 Points)
- Maximize EA Cr-1 Points for the Proposed Building (10/10) (Lets Get Creative! Brainstorming charette / Team Solutions Modify Proposed Model)
- Review Daylighting Analysis (10/10) (Evaluate Daylighting / Reduce Lighting Power Density / Evaluate impact on LEED® EA Cr1 and IAQ Cr 8.1)
- Exam (0/15)
Completion requirements
To receive a certificate for this course student must be present for the entire course, complete all workshops and receive a grade of 70% on graded final.
Prerequisite requirements
Suggested background
For HVAC designers with a working knowledge of commercial air conditioning and heating systems, including lab time with service test equipment and tools. Use of load estimating software is also desirable.
Materials to bring
- Students are required to bring their own laptop computer to class. Contact Software Systems at [email protected] if you will be attending training but DO NOT have a laptop.
- Please ensure that you have the most recent version of HAP software installed on your laptop. Click on Software Downloads Page for specific details.
- If you are not currently a HAP user and plan to bring your own laptop computer, request an electronic 90-day HAP demo. Click on this link: Carrier eDesign Trial Request.
What you will receive
Students in this course receive a course workbook.
Appropriate dress for this class
This class is held in a class and business casual dress is appropriate.
Class hours
Class runs from 8:30 AM till 5 PM. Travel arrangements should be made accordingly.
Location & lodging
Most of these classes are held in the local area, see the event flyer or Carrier host for more information.