Sustainability from A to Z
At Carrier, we incorporate sustainability into all that we do.
From innovative solutions to green factories to services developed to increase efficiency, Carrier is a leader in sustainability. We pioneered the use of natural refrigerants in the food retail world, and continuously invest in research and development to improve our products and processes while protecting the natural environment.
Carrier sustainability efforts are applied from the product design to the end of their life in the field to further reduce their environmental footprint.
› Green factories: through the careful use of water, electricity and waste treatment, Carrier sites are making a sensible use of natural resources to produce the refrigeration range.

› Re-cycling of old cabinets: the design of Carrier cabinets is made in a way to facilitate the sorting of steel, copper, aluminum, glass and plastic. Re-cycling of the cabinets that have ended their lives is as easy as possible.

Did you know?
Carrier Commercial Refrigeration has continuously set realistic and achievable goals and objectives that reduce our environmental impact.
Across all our operations, Carrier is dedicated to programs and initiatives relating to our environmental, health and safety (EHS)performance. We continuously measure and report our performance toward our sustainability goals, which include targeted reductions for greenhouse emissions, water consumption and industrial waste generation and promote employee safety. Beyond our operations, we extend our environment, health and safety commitment to our suppliers. Our global supplier EHS initiative is focused on ensuring that 100% of all critical suppliers meet our expectations, which include safe working conditions for all employees and minimizing impact to the environment.
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