Packaged units
All-in-one systems. One-of-a-kind reliability.
When your application calls for a readily available, plug-and-play solution, it calls for Carrier. Our packaged units feature all components together in one piece of equipment, making them ideal for wheelhouses, workshops or other commercial ship applications. So if you need reliability, comfort and quiet in its simplest, most affordable form, just take one of our self-contained units out of the box and set sail.
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Cooling Type: Air-Cooled
Max Capacity (kW): 100
Refrigerants: R-410A

Cooling Type: Packaged
Max Capacity (kW): 50
Refrigerants: R-410A

Cooling Type: Water-Cooled
Max Capacity (kW): 100
Refrigerants: R-410A

Cooling Type: Seawater-cooled
Max Capacity (kW): 35
Refrigerants: R-134a, R-404A, R-407C

Cooling Type: Air-Cooled
Max Capacity (kW): 100
Refrigerants: R-410A

Cooling Type: Packaged
Max Capacity (kW): 50
Refrigerants: R-410A

Cooling Type: Remote air-cooled
Max Capacity (kW): 50
Refrigerants: R-410A