Minimize the impact of aging equipment
All equipment age over time. But with today’s modern technology, our teams of global experts can help you get the most out of your investment. We recommend upgrades and retrofits to keep your equipment running as efficiently as possible during its service life, and we offer a wide variety of modernization, retrofit and upgrade solutions for many equipment types.
Our solutions are designed to deliver lower energy costs, minimize mechanical wear and extend equipment life. And, when it is time for replacements, we can assist you with the best solutions - whether it’s a single piece of equipment or your entire HVAC system.
Facility conditions can change over time with increased operating hours, additional heating & cooling loads and occupancy levels, which can impact the overall performance of your HVAC equipment. This is where we can come in to implement a comprehensive optimization program designed to restore your system to its original and optimal performance.
Our services applies to:
- Water-cooled chillers
- Air-cooled chillers
- Air handling units and air distribution devices
- Cooling towers, pumps, boilers
- Control systems
Our services provide value to you by:
- Maximizing system efficiency and occupant comfort
- Increasing the value of building assets
- Driving down operating costs and maintenance expenses
- Extending equipment life
Conducting comprehensive assessments
As servicing experts, it is important for us to assess your HVAC system for a detailed assessment of its current performance. Our energy audit process utilizes state-of-the-art instrumentation and enables customers to address problems before they become serious and costly.
By conducting an energy audit, we can process your building’s data into actionable information to derive the following:
- Energy consumption profile
- Efficiency baseline
- Energy conservation measures
We provide professional reports with an in-depth analysis and recommendations for corrective actions, if needed. From preliminary walkthrough audits to detailed investment-grade audits, we can identify and correct problems before they lead to more complex and expensive repairs. This will allow you to avoid downtime and obtain cost effective projections of future maintenance and replacement requirements.
Improving efficiency for existing equipment
Replacing your HVAC equipment can be expensive, especially if its unexpected. While replacing certain parts often improves efficiency and reliability, hidden problems may arise later. By applying the commissioning process for existing equipment, we can restore and improve the design characteristics of your HVAC equipment to counter these challenges.
Our retro-commissioning process involves different levels of assessments and adjustments to bring the existing system operating performance closer to the design of its initial performance. It involves low cost optimization to deliver quick energy savings and improve your HVAC operating condition.
We look at how each component affects the whole system by investigating the dynamic interactions to identify energy saving opportunities and prioritize corrective measures. Periodic building tune-ups can ensure your facility operates in peak condition with optimal energy performance.
Configuring a cohesive HVAC system
Your entire chiller plant can consist of multiple key components, each one being integral to the configuration of your HVAC system. The Automated Logic® PlantCTRL™ controller offers algorithms designed to provide control over all aspects of a chiller plant, coordinating the control of chillers, pumps and towers into a finely tuned, cohesive system.
Comprising of a dedicated controller, standard dashboards, I/O expanders, and a library of factory-engineered control programs that are specifically designed to cover the most common chiller plant configurations, this solution enables optimized energy use and savings.
This tool provides value by its:
- Compatibility with any manufacturer’s air or water-cooled chillers
- Integration of chiller plant equipment using BACnet, Modbus®, and LonWorks® protocols
- Responsiveness to the building load, automatically starting, staging and stopping the plant, resetting the chilled water supply temperature, and matching tonnage produced to the tonnage required by the building
- Simplified interface with the WebCTRL® Optimization Solutions: Chilled water system optimizer enabling energy savings of the entire chilled water system, up to and including air handling units and other water side chilled water consumers.
Supporting and maximizing equipment performance
Our service experts are here to consult you throughout the lifecycle of your building, HVAC plant and equipment. With today’s modern technology, we can recommend upgrades and retrofits to help you get the most out of your equipment. With proper maintenance, your capital equipment will be in operation for a significant length of time.
Modernize, Retrofit & Optimize
We offer a wide variety of modernization, retrofit and upgrade solutions for many equipment types. Variable frequency drives and digital controls upgrade the capabilities of older equipment for better performance without large capital investment. Cooling tower retrofits and other ancillary equipment in your HVAC portfolio can be modernized with immediate impact on your bottom line. Our solutions are designed to deliver lowerenergy costs, minimize mechanical wear and extend equipment life.
Our service experts assess your equipment performance and provide tailored proposals regarding improvements to your set-up, so that you can get the most out of your equipment by improving efficiency and lowering energy consumption.
This provides value by:
- Maximizing your equipment life and improving sustainability
- Adapting to facility changes by restoring system to optimal performance
- Lower operating costs and maintenance expenses
Maintain your equipment performance
Your HVAC capital equipment can be in operation for a significant length of time. Our service experts provide performance sustenance which will ensure that your equipment performance is well maintained throughout its lifespan. We provide operational efficiency expertise to effectively manage energy usage and remote monitoring systems to support your HVAC plant. Our digital solutions enable cost effectiveness whilst providing higher accuracy and more visibility for a more collaborative approach.
Connected Services
Monitor your equipment by using smart data to ensure a peace of mind. With 24/7 remote monitoring with easy and secured access, you can obtain useful data-driven analytics to support decision-making for optimized capital expenditures. Obtain demonstrated maintenance and proactive decision-making to anticipate and lower downtime and uncertainty.
This provides value by:
- Improving system efficiency and reliability
- Providing real-time visibility and monitoring
- Decreasing system downtime