The European F-gas regulation
The 2014 revision of the regulation introduced bans for certain equipment using HFCs and a phase down scheme for HFCs placed on the European market.

Equipment bans
Equipment bans target refrigeration applications and very low capacity air to air conditioners (residential). There are no specific bans on liquid chillers and hot water heat pumps using R-134a, R-407C and R-410A refrigerants.

Phase down
The phase down is a step-by-step approach where the quantities of HFCs that are placed on the market are gradually reduced through the allocation of quotas by the European Commission to producers and importers of bulk HFCs and importers of HFCs contained in pre-charged equipment. As a result of the phase down, HFC consumption will be drastically reduced by 2030.
To prevent emissions (mostly based on the 2006 Regulation)
- Emission prevention and leak checks (Art. 2 - 6)
- Control of by-production (Art. 7)
- End of life treatment of products and equipment (Art. 8 - 9)
- Training and qualification (Art. 10)
- Information for users (Art. 12)
To reduce the use of higher GWP f-gases where possible and feasible
- Training and qualification (Art. 10)
- Restrictions on new applications (Art. 11)
- Restrictions on uses (Art. 13)
- Phase-down of HFC consumption (Art. 14 onwards)