Carrier production sites in Europe
Carrier has three best-in-class production plants based in France and Spain, ensuring that high-quality products are delivered to our customers.

Montluel site
Chillers / Heat pumps
roomMap | Route de Thil
01120 Montluel France |
phoneCall us | +33 (0)4 72 25 21 21 |

Culoz site
Air handling units / Fan coil units / Drycoolers / Close control units
roomMap | 700 avenue Jean Falconnier
BP 14 01350 Culoz France |
phoneCall us | +33 (0)4 79 42 42 42 |

Montilla site
Rooftops / Packaged / Preconditioned air for aircraft / Dehumidifiers
roomMap | P.I. Llanos de Jarata
C/Narciso Monturiol, s/n C.P. 14550 Montilla (Cordoba) Spain |
phoneCall us | +34 957 652 311 |