PUREtec™ refrigerants
The environmental excellence solution.

The challenge raised by the European Union’s F-gas regulation means the entire industry must move to a new generation of refrigerants that will not only protect the ozone layer but also have a very low global warming impact. Carrier is facing this challenge and proposes PUREtec™ refrigerants:
- A family of long-term refrigerant solutions
- Selection of the HFO R-1234ze and R-1233zd for screw units. It offers a Global Warming Potential (GWP) index below 1 and is not impacted by the F-gas regulation
- Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)
- Energy efficiency gains of up to 5% when compared with units using R-134A
Refrigerant GWP categories
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Very high | R-404A | |
High | R-1334a, R-410A, R-407C, R-452A | |
Medium | R32, R32/HFO blends, R-134a/HFO blends | |
Low | HFO blends | |
Very low | HFO blends | |
Ultra low | R-744 (CO2), R-717 (NH3), R-290 (Propane)
HFO's: R-1234yf, R-1234ze, R-1233zd |
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A complete HFO range of chillers and heat-pumps with an extended operating range: up to 85°C
Carrier's PUREtec™ refrigerants extensive research program

Approximately 320 refrigerants evaluated on:
- Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)
- Global Warming Potential (GWP)
- Toxicity
- Flammability
- Performances
- Applied cost impact
- Technology impact

HFO R-1234ze, the best candidate to replace HFC-R134a for all screw units:
- Limited impact on global warming GWP <1* (similar to natural substances: CO2 GWP=1)
- Not affected by the F-gas 2014 phase down plan
- Highly efficient: supporting low primary energy consumption
- Extended operating envelope allowing new application opportunities

Association of components:
- New refrigerant and associated lubricant
- All chillers’ subsystems components, including Carrier’s proprietary technology: compressors and heat exchangers to ensure proper and reliable operation

- Extensive run tests in Carrier’s laboratory for air and water-sourced screw chillers and heat-pumps
- Notified bodies involved in the unit quality certification
- Dedicated control algorithm to optimize machine operation
*Based on IPCC 5th assessment report (GWP 7 according to the 2010 assessment of the SAP of the Montreal protocol)