Thermostat with display for fan coil unit with EC fan motor (0-10V).
The 99DA-SEI-EC01 is a thermostat with LCD display for use with fan coil units with an EC fan motor (0-10V control).
It is a thermostat with many options such as:

99DA-SEI-EC01 Thermostat
- Suitable for 230V and 24V (adjustable). Default setting is 230V
- Suitable for 2-pipe, 4-pipe and 2-pipe + electric heating. Default setting is 2-pipe
- Control fan 0-10V
- Control valves open/close or 0-10V. Default setting open/close
- Night setback (not activated by default)
- Equipped with a busy/unoccupied contact
- Equipped with a window contact
- Automatic or manual cooling/heating changeover. Default to manual
- Connections for water sensor and return air sensor (accessory, 99DA-SEI-SEN01)
- Adjustable dead bands
- Minimum and maximum speeds adjustable (0-10V setting)
- Room frost protection (if the unit can heat)
- Configuration lock