Spare parts
Thanks to our dedicated parts team and our factories located throughout Europe, Carrier are able to deliver 250 orders daily and efficiently distribute more than 1 600 shipments per week around the world.
A strong supply chain
An experienced and attentive team will support you throughout the process of spare parts procurement: parts selection, management orders and logistics until delivery. Our purchasing power ensures optimized pricing and lead-times. Thanks to our manufacturing expertise, we provide advice to help you find the best service solution to meet your specific needs.

Our new e-commerce website is online!
Discover our new website dedicated to spare parts.
- Order online with total autonomy
- Consult technical information & pictures of our parts
- Simplify your technical selection thanks to exploded views of end products

A comprehensive parts offering
With more than 10,000 items in stock, we offer a comprehensive parts solution including compressors, universal parts and manufactured components.
- Factory authorized and proprietary and universal spare parts
- Critical spare parts solutions
- Parts consultancy
- Dedicated solutions for railways, mining and marine business
Other options are available. For more information, please ask your Carrier sales representative.
Dedicated team to support you throughout the process of spare parts procurement

+90 000
Managed part numbers*

Deliveries on time*

Customer satisfaction*
*2019 Carrier data
European parts center: building service excellence for our customers

Dedicated team and expert advice

Quality and reliability

High added value parts solutions
Other services

Carrier's factory-trained technicians fix your systems expertly and efficiently. All around Europe, you benefit from a network of experts to get to the efficient support for all your application and business needs.

Rental systems
Carrier Rental Systems is a leading provider of specialized cooling, heating, dehumidification and power generation rental equipment.