Sevilla Fashion Outlet
We are committed to transforming our centres with the 3R's strategy: Remarketing, Remodelling and Rebranding. Our business model is based on efficiency and sustainability to minimise the impact on the environment. This involves major investments in innovation and sustainability. Big brands trust our differential management".
Serafin Pazo
Facility & Operations Manager at VIA Outlets
Carrier Smart Solution
A solution implemented for the common areas involved installing three high-efficiency rooftop units with R-454B refrigerant, that serve the shopping centre area. For the premises, a chiller has been added, equipped with variablespeed screw compressors and HFO-1234ze refrigerant, for minimal environmental impact.

In addition, the installation includes a set of high-efficiency pumps to cover the heating requirements of the premises, enabling operational regulation and control (on/off), which can also be adjusted with the operating point.
Intelligent control valves have also been installed at the entrance of each premises, enabling us to adjust to the actual demand of the installation; all this is possible thanks to the implementation of an i-Vu Control System, custom-designed for this centre, enabling operations to be remote controlled, consumption to be measured in real time, and operation and maintenance strategies to be established in order to cut operating costs.
- Energy savings of 30%
- A custom-designed control system enables regulation according to heating requirements
- Environmental impact minimised
- Real-time measurement of consumption helps cut operating costs
- Replacement of 3 rooftop units with model 50FC 170 units operating with R-454 refrigerant
- Replacement of one 30GX chiller unit with a model 30KAVIZE 800 unit
- Supply of a solution to extend 17 premises with 34 model 42BYAH fan coil units
- Implementation of an i-Vu Control System with variable water flow and energy metering WITH BMS maintenance