Abound Overview Brochure
We see a future where buildings are more than just static structures. We see them as dynamic environments—healthy, safe, sustainable, intelligent spaces delivering meaningful outcomes for owners, operators, and occupants.

Abound Healthy Air
Expectations about air quality in indoor environments have changed. People spend 90 percent of their time indoors and want to feel confident that the spaces they are occupying incorporate strategies for healthier air.

Abound Net Zero Management
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure requirements and corporate goals have made energy efficiency and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions a priority, driving the need to take action and report on progress.

Abound Predictive Insights
One of the greatest advantages of an intelligent building is the amount of data it produces. Every system, every controller and every device integrated with your automation system provides numerous data points that can help inform decisions leading to greater efficiencies and lower operating costs.

Abound Occupant Assistant
Abound Occupant Assistant is a solution that integrates human experiences, resources, and building systems. Through cloud-based, smart building IoT services and a SaaS offering, the app helps simplify the management and development of modern buildings that meet the needs of your entire team.