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ClimaVision HVAC System Solutions

ClimaVision is a lightweight, but powerful climate management system built for light commercial buildings. ClimaVision is a cloud-based, wireless, and intuitive system that utilizes built-in control algorithms and the power of the cloud to optimize comfort and energy savings.

Zoning Systems

What is a Zoning System?

A zoning system provides individualized control and comfort to each “zone” that is a part of the system. In each area or zone, a temperature sensor and an independently controlled zone damper adjusts to maintain the comfort in that zone.

When is a Zoning System the Right Choice?

  • When individual zone control is desired

Types of Zoning Systems

VVT/Dynamic Airflow Balancing (DAB)

  • Usually a constant or two-speed fan air source
  • Bypass damper or DAB strategy is used to regulate duct pressure
  • Zone dampers open or close to maintain room temperature setpoint


  • Air source is uses a variable speed fan to maintain duct pressure
  • Zone dampers open or close to maintain room temperature setpoint and CFM requirements

System Components

  • Air source - Typically a packaged unit like an AHU or RTU
  • Terminal boxes with a controller

Key Features of the ClimaVision Zoning System

  • VAV system algorithms meet Guideline 36 specifications
  • DAB (Dynamic Airflow Balancing) terminal profile algorithm that is used in the VVT system operates to help temperature balance a system without fully closing off zones and creating harmful back pressure on the AHU. This feature reduces the need for a bypass damper in the system.
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Optional System Features

  • Outdoor air optimization