California Hotel and Casino
Chiller & cooling tower upgrade delivers seamless comfort to patrons at California Hotel & Casino
Las Vegas, NV
The California Hotel & Casino is a large, diverse property in Las Vegas, Nevada, providing lodging, multiple restaurants, specialty shops, catering space and gaming to some 800,000 patrons a year. The California’s original Carrier chillers — after almost three decades of service — required replacement, and the facility’s two cooling towers required a partial upgrade to better enable them to provide comfort to guests during the intense heat of a desert summer. The California sought to upgrade both the chillers and the cooling towers in a manner that provided seamless comfort to their year-round flow of visitors, while anticipating utility savings due to the impressive efficiency profiles of contemporary chillers.
Project Solution
To meet the California’s guest comfort and efficiency targets, Carrier recommended the replacement of the facility’s existing chillers with two 23XRV water-cooled screw chillers; replacement of the upper portion of the existing cooling towers; and updated chiller controls. The upgrade was completed during the cooler months so that the facility’s plate and frame heat exchanger could provide guest comfort while the chillers were replaced and the cooling towers refurbished one by one.