Listrak Corporate Headquarters
Carrier bundled solution provides efficiency, comfort and control for Listrak headquarters
Lititz, PA
Listrak — a company which provides its clients with eMail marketing, digital advertising and systems that recommend items to e-commerce customers based on what they’ve bought — was building a new 90,000 ft2 world headquarters in Lititz, Pennsylvania. Listrak management and their mechanical contractor, Haller Enterprises, a certified Carrier Controls Expert contractor, selected Carrier to design a bundled equipment and controls solution that would provide centralized comfort control for the large, common work areas and individualized cooling and heating for their peripheral offices. Additionally, it would require reliable, high-efficiency equipment, quiet operation to promote a comfortable work atmosphere and ease of use for Listrak employees.
Project Solution
To meet the comfort needs of Listrack’s large, open work spaces, Carrier distributor Peirce Phelps recommended a system composed of 21 Carrier WeatherMaker® 48TC rooftop units. For the peripheral offices, 13 Toshiba Carrier variable refrigerant flow (VRF) units with in-office space sensors and control units with pre-set parameters were specified.
All units were equipped with Carrier i-Vu® controls and integrated into the central i-Vu building automation system, which allow facilities staff to view equipment performance and alerts, and modify system parameters from any internet-enabled device.

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