Washington Navy Yard
Carrier AquaEdge® 23XRV Chillers to deliver energy efficient cooling at NAVFAC
Washington, DC
Washington Navy Yard Buildings 33 and 36 comprise two halves of a single rectangular structure with a central courtyard. The facility, home to the Navy’s Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is a multi-story office building of almost 300,000 square feet, serving approximately 1,400 employees. One of the facility’s two chillers was approaching replacement age, while the other was simply inefficient. The Navy has a mandate to maximize energy efficiency and reduce life cycle costs (LCC), so Energy Manager Nery Duron sought to replace the chillers with a high-efficiency model. The Navy had preferred magnetic bearing technology for new installations.
Project Solution
After comparing the efficiency data of multiple chiller models, including those using magnetic bearing technology, the Navy selected two Carrier 23XRV chillers to replace their existing equipment. As part of the efficiency upgrade, the Navy also conducted a virtual energy audit analysis using an energy modeling application provided by Carrier. According to this analysis, preliminary estimated energy cost savings attributable to the Carrier 23XRV chillers are expected to be in the range of a 33 percent for cooling, and 4 to 7 percent for total facility energy cost.