Mangabeira Shopping
For reliable, efficient cooling in tropical conditions, Mangabeira Shopping selects Carrier AquaEdge® 23XRV chillers
João Pessoa, Brazil
Manaíra Shopping has been a popular mall in the city of João Pessoa, Brazil, since 1989. During renovations and expansion in 2005, Midea Carrier — the organization serving Brazil, Argentina and Chile — sales office in nearby Recife demonstrated the superior efficiency of the Carrier AquaEdge® 23XRV screw chiller to the mall owners, who then selected several 23XRV units for the newly refurbished mall. The screw chillers performed as efficiently and reliably as expected. Consequently, when it came time to plan their next shopping center, Mangabeira Shopping, the mall owners turned to Midea Carrier to assist in the selection of the chillers for the cooling plant.
Project Solution
The construction of the new shopping mall, Mangabeira Shopping, was completed in 2014. Given the tropical climate, and with more than half a million square feet of retail space, plus entertainment areas including cinemas, bowling, a food court and children’s play spaces, it was imperative that the cost of cooling at Mangabeira Shopping be kept as low as possible. The mall owners once again selected Carrier AquaEdge 23XRV water-cooled screw chillers to provide a comfortable atmosphere for shoppers and staff, and to supply appropriate conditions to maintain the quality of the merchandise within the stores. Mangabeira Shopping is served by seven 23XRV chillers of 1,864 kW [530 tons) each, which are maintained by Midea Carrier under a service agreement.