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eDesign Suite Software Training

Get the training you need and learn from the experts.

Software training courses are available through out the year and in cities across the United States. Additional training is also available from Carrier University.

eDesign Suite Software Training Courses

2025 Training Schedule


For a complete listing of Carrier’s available building modeling courses, please click here.

To view our current training schedule, click here. Select eDesign from the 'Filter Courses by Topic Area' dropdown menu and click the Search Events button.

If your firm wishes to conduct online training for any of the eDesign programs please contact us at [email protected].

HAP Training Videos

Click below for training videos designed to help users with various tasks such as installation, setting preferences & utilizing the HAP building wizards.

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Course Descriptions

Hands-on training is available for certain eDesign Suite programs. These modules are offered periodically on a regional basis to existing eDesign users, as well as new and prospective licensees. Tuition for these training modules is not included in the eDesign license fees. Standard courses are available for HAP, System Design Load, Engineering Economic Analysis and Block Load.


Students are expected to bring their own laptop computer. Please ensure the most recent program version is loaded for the seminar you are attending prior to the class. Computers are NOT available for student use unless special arrangements are made with Software Systems at the time of registration. Note, the number of computers for this type of arrangement is limited.

Earn CEU Credit for eDesign Suite Software Training

eDesign training is conducted by Carrier University instructors and the programs have been reviewed by Carrier University for compliance to the ANSI®3 / IACET Standard 1-2007. As an IACET Authorized Provider, Carrier University offers CEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standard. Many states with self-reporting accept IACET approved classes for Professional Engineering Continuing education credit. Check with your state Licensing Board if you have a question. Carrier University is also an approved education provider in Florida, North Carolina and New York. CEU's may be converted to PDH's by multiplying by 10.

Under the new GBCI 2102 rules for maintaining LEED® accreditation the Energy Modeling for LEED® Energy & Atmosphere Credit 1, and Advanced Modeling Techniques for HVAC Systems course may count toward meeting CMP continuing education under the educational category. The number of hours you will be able to claim depend on your specialty and your previously claimed educational credits.

Course Learning Outcomes

As part of the eDesign Suite software training, each student will learn how to use the program by completing several simple project exercises. These exercises are intended to confirm the student's ability to understand the course learning outcomes.

Carrier University is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). Carrier University complies with the ANSI/ IACET Standard, which is recognized internationally as a standard of excellence in instructional practices. As a result of this accreditation, Carrier University is authorized to issue the IACET CEU.

1LEED is a registered trademark of US Green Building Council

2ASHRAE is a registered service mark of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.

3ANSI is a registered trademark of the American National Standards Institute