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Översikt av tjänsten

När du använder Carrier Commercial Service kan du känna dig trygg i vissheten om att varje aspekt av din investering övervakas, analyseras, underhålls och dokumenteras noggrant. Det arbetssättet har vi redan vid din första kontakt med oss och vi fortsätter med det under anläggningens hela livslängd. Carrier Commercial Service tillhandahåller BluEdge, ett nytt förstklassigt utbud för service och eftermarknadstjänster, exklusivt för kunder och samarbetspartners. BluEdge utgörs av en progressiv servicemodell som är indelad i nivåer och är utformad med kunden i åtanke. Denna modell erbjuder flera dynamiska alternativ för att tillgodose behoven i deras verksamhet.
Partner with Carrier BluEdge for Your Service and Lifecycle Needs

Our best-in-class lifecycle service solution protects you and your investment from your start-up through customizable plans to mid-life upgrades, all to ensure your equipment’s peak performance and longevity. And all backed by unmatched expertise and the latest technology for years to come.

Flexible Service Solutions to Fit Your Needs

With Carrier, you are not just getting the most innovative equipment in the industry, but a trusted partner who can ensure your peace-of-mind over the lifetime of your equipment through our BluEdge service platform.

We deliver comprehensive solutions across your product lifecycle. Our service offerings include continuous monitoring, predictive maintenance, repairs, modifications and upgrades, spare parts, and rentals. And with a customized BluEdge service plan, you can ensure your equipment’s peak performance and longevity for years to come.

24/7 Support and Service

Keeping your equipment running smoothly and efficiently has no predictable timetable. Our Service Center is your ‘first-response’ to problem resolution. Our customer service team is available 24/7/365 to coordinate your request for service and efficiently dispatch our local technicians to help solve any unplanned event.

How can Carrier’s 24/7/365 support provide value to you?

  • Quick response means a faster resolution of your service needs - emergency or routine.
  • Receive immediate attention, evaluation and the best action path to address your servicing needs from the experts at Carrier.
  • Around-the-clock access to service representatives translates into uninterrupted service at your facility.
Förebyggande, prediktivt,
Carriers omfattande kunskap om utrustning från alla tillverkare utgör grunden i vårt serviceutbud. Vi tar fram en plan som garanterar att utrustningen presterar på topp och håller länge.
Maximera din utrustningsinvestering med Carrier Commercial Service
Som serviceexperter vet vi hur du får ut så mycket som möjligt av din investering. Den kapitalutrustning du har köpt kommer att vara aktiv under lång tid om den underhålls på rätt sätt.
Improve Your Asset Health

Optimize your equipment’s lifespan with Carrier’s suite of assessment tools and analysis.

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Our core values define who we are and guide every decision we make. These values are the pillars of our business. They are: Quality, Performance, Responsibility, Innovation, Customer Care and Employee Opportunity.
When you partner with us, you'll work with recognized HVAC professionals - all with a clear focus on the importance of every aspect of your investment. Your decision to select Carrier was an important one... as is our relationship with you. We take both very seriously.
Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) is rooted in our culture. We support a multifaceted EH&S management system which ensures a focused approach to safety every day. On all levels, we adhere to the most stringent safety standards, which translates to safety on your job site.
We have access to the latest engineering advancements and the most advanced technical servicing tools.