Rental Equipment Overview

Carrier Rental Systems' arsenal of air- and water-cooled chillers ranges in size from 10 to 1,000 tons. We containerize our water-cooled Carrier chillers for protection and can stack them to provide maximum tonnage in a minimal amount of space. We epoxy paint all air-cooled chillers and mount them in a steel superstructure with the condenser coils safely protected behind a diamond mesh screen.
All our cooling tower rentals arrive mounted on skids or affixed to trailers and range in size from 100 to 1,000 tons.

Uncontrolled temperature and moisture levels can often have a devastating effect on equipment life and air quality. Our Carrier temporary air conditioners are available from 5 to 120 tons, and our room spot coolers from 1 to 10 tons. Our 40 and 80 ton units meet Class 1, Div. 2, and Group C & D Explosion-Proof ratings. Every air conditioner is individually designed by Carrier Rental Systems.
Our desiccant industrial dehumidifier rentals produce up to 9,000 cfm. To deliver total comfort during the dehumidification process, we also provide fridge-drying packages up to 100,000 cfm.

We utilize electric heaters that range in size from 15kW to 360kW and are capable of 300°F of fume-free heat. Carrier also offers hot water and steam boilers ranging up to 600 hp to meet your heating requirements.

To augment our heating, cooling, and dehumidification solutions, we offer multi-voltage generators up to 1,750 kW. We silence our generators to minimize any inconvenient noise. Carrier also issues fuel tanks and fuel management after request and evaluation, and we provide transformers and distribution panels when needed.

Carrier Rental Systems typically uses third party trucking companies to transport equipment. When available, Carrier Rental Systems utilizes custom-designed roll back trucks that allow deliveries up to 40,000 lbs. without the need for a crane or riggers.