The Carbon Air Purifier with UV helps maintain a healthier home through air purification targeting the reduction of unwanted odors, volatile organic compounds, and common household gases from indoor air, while aiding in the reduction of microorganism, e.g., mold, fungi, bacteria and viruses, growth on the evaporative coil1, and release into recirculated indoor air.2
The UV light aids in the reduction of microorganism, e.g., mold, fungi, bacteria and viruses, growth on the cooling coil1 and release into the air.2
The carbon core helps address the reduction of common, unwanted, and potentially harmful household gases and odors. Plus, Carbon Air Purifier with UV reduces ozone in recirculated air.
Installed near your indoor evaporator coil to helps treat the air that flows through your HVAC system.

Easy to maintain requiring replacement of the carbon core each year and UV bulb every 2 years. And you have the option to add an additional UV light for even greater surface coverage on your cooling coil.
10-year parts limited warranty upon timely registration.3
1 The efficacy of the Carbon Air Purifier with UV (UVCAPXXC2015) to remove Aspergillus niger (97%), Penicillium citrinum (>99.99%), Escherichia coli (>99%), Staphylococcus epidermidis (>99.9999%), Coronavirus 229E (95%) and MS-2 bacteriophage (>99.99%) from treated surfaces after 24 hours was demonstrated in an ASTM E3135-18 test conducted by a third-party laboratory under ambient temperature and humidity conditions.
2 The efficacy of the Carbon Air Purifier with UV (UVCAPXXC2015) to remove a surrogate airborne pathogen, MS-2 bacteriophage, was demonstrated with a decay rate (k) of 0.162860 and Clean Air Deliver Rate (CADR) of 130.6 cfm in 60 minutes in a chamber test conducted by a third-party laboratory using a 1007 ft3 chamber with an airflow of 1,220 cfm, test temperature of 74-77°F and relative humidity of 45.1-46.6%.
3 To the original owner, when product is used in an owner-occupied residence, a 10-year parts limited warranties upon timely registration of your new equipment. Parts limited warranty period is 5 years if not registered within 90 days. Jurisdictions where warranty benefits cannot be conditioned on registration will automatically receive a 10-year parts limited warranty. See warranty certificate for complete details.