This is a statement setting out the steps Carrier Transicold (UK) Limited (“CTUK”) has taken during the financial year ending 31 DECEMBER 2022 (the “Reporting Period”) to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of its own business or supply chain.

CTUK is part of Carrier Global Corporation (“Carrier”) which is a leading global provider of heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC); refrigeration; fire and security solutions.

CTUK is committed to ensuring slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in our business or supply chains and, to this end, took or continued to take the following actions during the Reporting Period.

Carrier Code of Ethics

Carrier’s Code of Ethics (the “Code”) is the foundation of our culture. Our Code sets forth values and commitments that guide ethical decision making everywhere we do business. The Code applies to Carrier and its controlled entities, worldwide. Among other things, the Code includes the following statement:

Carrier respects and protects human rights by:

  • Ensuring safe and healthy working conditions for its employees, based on whatever is most stringent: U.S. standards, local standards, or Carrier policies.
  • Never using child labor or forced labor, and always seeking out business partners who share our commitment to fighting human trafficking and supporting human rights.
  • Promoting responsible sourcing practices and setting expectations for our key suppliers through the Carrier Supplier Code of Conduct, including that suppliers must ensure safe and healthy work environments for their employees, avoid discrimination, ensure that child labor is not used, and avoid human trafficking.

Each year, Carrier requires its employees to certify they have read and will comply with the Code. Compliance with the requirements of the Code is expected behavior for all Carrier employees. Violations of these requirements will result in appropriate corrective action.

Carrier Anonymous Reporting Program

Employees and third parties (including suppliers) who observe or suspect a violation of the Code may ask a question or raise concerns in complete confidence through Carrier’s Anonymous Reporting Program. Additional information about the Anonymous Reporting Program is available on Carrier’s website at

Internal Training

Carrier made and continues to make training available to company management and employees on recognising and mitigating the risk of human trafficking and slavery in supply chains. Employees with direct responsibility for supply chain management are assigned this training during their second year in that job function.

Supply Chain Expectations

To produce superior products in a responsible manner, we need suppliers who meet high standards for business practices, environmental responsibility and operational excellence. Accordingly, our suppliers are subjected to robust selection processes and criteria including verification against government denied party lists.

Carrier’s standard contract terms and conditions of purchase require suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. In addition, our standard contract terms require suppliers to adopt and comply with a code of conduct or policy statement regarding business conduct, ethics and compliance that satisfies, at a minimum, the principles set forth in the Supplier Code of Conduct (“Supplier Code”).

The Supplier Code sets forth Carrier’s expectations for our suppliers and aligns with the expectations we maintain for our own directors, officers, employees and representatives. Among other things, the Supplier Code requires suppliers to ensure child labour is not used in the performance of their work, whether or not related to Carrier business. It also requires suppliers to fully comply with laws and regulations prohibiting human trafficking. This includes prohibiting the use of forced, bonded or indentured labour, involuntary prison labour, slavery, or trafficking in persons. Additionally, the Supplier Code states our suppliers will allow Carrier and/or its representatives to assess their compliance, as well as the compliance of the suppliers’ business partners, with the expectations set forth in the Supplier Code in performing work for Carrier, including on-site inspection of facilities. The Supplier Code is available at

In the event a supplier commits any material violation of law relating to basic working conditions and human rights in their performance of work of their subcontracts with Carrier, Carrier has the right to terminate those subcontracts for default.

Scott Dargan
Carrier Transicold (UK) Limited
March 2023