Company directors for Carrier Airconditioning & Refrigeration Limited
- Terms & Conditions of Re-appointment of Mr. Siraj Azmat Chaudhry (Independent Director)
- Resignation Letter of Mr. Chirag Baijal
- Terms & Conditions of Appointment of Mr. Siraj Azmat Chaudhry (Independent Director)
- Terms & Conditions of Appointment of Mr. Narendra Singh Sisodia (Independent Director)
- Terms & Conditions of Appointment of Mr. Pankaj Prakash Sahni (Independent Director)
- Resignation Letter of Mr. Pankaj Prakash Sahni
- Resignation Letter of Ms. Nandita Luthra
- Resignation Letter of Mr. Sugeeth Kumar from position of Whole-time Director
- Appointment Letter Vanita Bansal
- Resignation letter of Mr. Nanda Lakkaraju
- Appointment Letter of Mr. Alfred Thomas
Company directors for Carrier Technologies India Limited
- Terms & Conditions of Appointment of Mr. Srinivas Kotni (Independent Director)
- Terms and Conditions of Appointment of Mr. Sanjiv Goel (Independent Director)
- Resignation Letter of Vasanthi Narayana
- Resignation Letter of Mr Rabindranath Ghosh
- Resignation Letter of Jagan Srinivasan
- Candidature of Mr. JA Chowdhary
- Consent to retire by rotation of Mr. Karuppian Muthalagappan
- Terms And Conditions of Appointment of Mr. JA Chowdary (Independent Director)