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HVAC Education, Air Purifiers, Indoor Air Quality, UV Lamps, Ventilators

How Do I Refresh the Air in My Home?

The natural instinct to bring fresh air into your home is by opening a window, but this isn't always the best option. New pollutants and toxins can come in and open windows waste energy when you’re using your HVAC system to heat or cool your home.

father and son play on couch after learning how to refresh the air in home

How to refresh your indoor air:

  • Clean or replace your HVAC unit's air filter
  • Turn your air conditioning unit to fan mode
  • Use an air purifier 
  • Invest in an air filter for your HVAC unit
  • Invest in a ventilator for your HVAC system
  • Invest in a dehumidifier

Bringing fresh air inside a home is an important part of maintaining a comfortable indoor environment.

HVAC Education, Air Purifiers, Indoor Air Quality, UV Lamps, Humidifiers, Dehumidifiers, Ventilators

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